Application process to become a carer

I’m interested, what’s the process?

There are a few steps to becoming a foster carer, and some will be quite involved but our team is here to support you through the whole process. Here’s what you can expect to happen once you submit an enquiry:

1. Initial call with our friendly team

Our team is here to assist you during the call and answer any questions that you may have. Feel free to ask us anything!

2. Home visit

Once you’ve decided you’d like to move forward, we will conduct a home visit. This allows us to meet you in person, gather more information, ensure the safety of your home, and gives you another chance to ask any additional questions you or your family may have. 

3. Training session

You will participate in four training modules, which can be done in a group setting or on a one-on-one basis if necessary. This is a mix of theory and practical training which will give you essential knowledge and skills for the journey ahead. 

4. Assessment & approval

We conduct a thorough, final screening and interview process which includes:  
  • Application for approval 
  • Blue card application 
  • Household safety study 
  • Health and wellbeing questionnaire   
  • Reference checks 
Once this assessment is completed, it will be submitted to the Department of Child Safety for their approval.

5. Outcome received

If approved, you’re assigned a dedicated Case Worker to provide you with ongoing support and mentoring in your new role as a foster carer. Together, we’ll work with the Department of Child Safety to develop a Foster Carer Agreement outlining the support you will receive, ongoing training requirements and types of placements you will consider.

Apply now to become a foster carer

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