Staying connected to culture

Information for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders

It's vital for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander foster children to maintain close links to their family, community and culture. We do everything we can to ensure this connection stays strong and fills kids and teens with a sense of pride, belonging and identity. Children with a clear sense of identity are more likely to develop healthy self-esteem, confidence and grow into resilient adults. 

Supporting Indigenous foster children

Find out more about our foster care and kinship care supports for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander kids and teens.
Learn more

Cultural connections

Learn about how we help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people maintain close links to community, family and culture while in foster care.
Learn more

Supporting families

See how we help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families through the emotional foster care journey.
Learn more

Considering becoming a foster carer?

Fill in this online form and we'll call you.

Become a foster carer

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