Giving the gift of hope in Bundaberg this Christmas
This is an initiative of our CofC Regional Hub, where leaders from CofC’s Residential Aged Care, Home Care, Retirement Living, Children, Youth & Families and Church meet regularly throughout the year to encourage one another and find ways they can go the extra mile to bless the clients, carers and residents who are part of our various care services.
Regional Engagement Partner Cathy Beauchamp said that in addition to donations and vouchers collected from CofC staff, residents and church members, the 180 on Twyford youth group raised $1,500 through their Sweet Honey Project to add even more toys and hamper goods to the drive.
“Our Hampers of Hope appeal has been running through our Regional Hub for the last two years. This year, we were thrilled to welcome the involvement of the youth group from 180 on Twyford who raised much needed funds to purchase additional toys by selling home grown honey, and helped to pack our hampers,” Cathy said.
With the rising costs of living, household budgets are pushed to the limit and often families simply do not have additional funds for non-essential items over Christmas. These hampers included toys, non-perishable items to help to make Christmas a little brighter for the recipients.”
Bundaberg Church of Christ Pastor Evan Trebbin shared “Last week, the hampers were distributed to families and children in our Foster and Kinship Care program and it was so wonderful to see the youth involved and help to spread the true meaning of Christmas,” Mr Trebbin said.
This year, the Regional Hub also recognised the need for additional Christmas support for some of our elderly Home Care clients and their carers. Ten of these clients also received a Christmas hamper which included homemade gifts, lovingly made by the Bundaberg Church of Christ craft group.