Who we are
We are Churches of Christ and our movement is founded on the teachings and values of Jesus Christ.
We are a group of around 65 affiliated Christian churches, with services attended by people across Queensland each week. We model all we do on the life, teachings and example of Jesus as found in the New Testament.
While Churches of Christ does not have a set creed or written statement of faith, the following principles have been foundational to the movement since the beginnings:
- Not the only Christians, but Christians only
- No creed but Christ.
- Where the Bible speaks, we speak; where the Bible is silent, we are silent; in all things grace and liberty
- All who love the Lord are welcome at the Lord’s table
- The priesthood of all believers
A shared principle of the Churches of Christ movement is the saying from the Saint Augustine, used by John Wesley and other Christian leaders: “In essentials, unity; in opinions, liberty; in all things, love”.