Providing you with a safe, secure and affordable place to call home.
We know the difference a safe, stable and quality home can make to your health, wellbeing and future. With more than 1100 properties across 10 local government areas in Queensland, we provide safe and secure homes to more than 2000 people each year.
We own or manage homes, townhouses, units and apartments that we, as a landlord, rent to you an affordable amount.
Rent may vary, but fees at our affordable living properties are capped at under 75% of what a real estate agency might charge you for monthly rent. You'll need to demonstrate the rent isn't more than 30% of your household income (plus Commonwealth Rent Assistance).
Affordable living meets the needs of low to moderate income earners and other individuals who have difficulties accessing housing in the private market. We offer flexible leases with affordable rents that meet the needs of the tenants and their ability to cover the costs of living.
Are you eligible for affordable living?
How to applyExplore our new affordable homes
We also have new affordable and environmentally-friendly housing being designed and sustainably built right now.
Who affordable living is for
We have established and new affordable living properties created especially for your needs. Some have been designed and built especially for:
- Over 50s
- Families
- Singles and couples
- People with disability
- Young people.
Anyone who thinks they might be eligible can apply for affordable living.
Find out if you're eligible: Our residents