We can't do it alone.
We'd like to thank everyone who partners with us to create a better future for Queenslanders who need a safe and stable home. We work with the Queensland Government, the Commonwealth Government, other not-for-profits, profit-for-purpose organisations and businesses to achieve this goal. Our valued partners include:

3rd Space

Bric Housing

Brisbane City Council

Central Queensland University



Department of Communities, Housing & Digital Economy

Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors

Footprints (Brisbane)

Hearing Australia

Ipswich Regional Advocacy Service

Ipswich City Council

Keys to Early Intervention Service

Ipswich Community Youth Service

Inala Family Accommodation and Support Service

Lady Musgrave Trust


Logan City Council

Marist 180

Mental Illness Fellowship Queensland (MIFQ)

Micah Projects Inc.

Mission Australia

Nextstep Aftercare - Life without Barriers

Open Minds

Public Trustee

Queensland Health



Rosies - Our Friends on the Street

Richmond Fellowship Queensland

STARH Program - Wesley Mission

St Vincent de Paul

Tenancy Skills Institute

Thread Together

The Salvation Army

Umpi Korumba

Under1Roof Ipswich

Uniting Care Community
Government Acknowledgment
We acknowledge the assistance of local, state and federal governments and agencies through nation building initiatives, crisis and transitional program funding and management of social housing properties.
Like to work with us?
We are always looking for committed partners and skilled suppliers with compassion for disadvantaged Queenslanders.
Contact us