Downloads, forms and resources.
Investment information sheets:
- Fixed Term Investment information sheet
- Chaplaincy Fund - fixed term information sheet
- N31 information sheet
- LSL Provision Savings information sheet
- Affiliate Saver information sheet (our churches & paid staff only)
- Christmas Club Information Sheet
- Foundation Building Fund information sheet
- Identification Documentation information sheet
- Early Release of Funds – Hardship Information Sheet
Investment application forms:
- Investment application form – Christmas Club
- Investment application form - individual
- Investment application form - youth
- Investment application form - non-individual
- Investment application form – affiliated entity
- Investment application form - affiliated staff
- Investment Application Form-Additional Investment for Existing Client
Long Service Leave Provision forms:
- Application to open investment form - LSL Provision Savings
- Application to open an additional investment form - LSL Provision Savings
- Investment transfer to new CofCQ employer form – LSL Provision Savings
- Notice of termination of employment form – LSL Provision Savings
- Withdrawal request for LSL form – LSL Provision Savings
- Withdrawal request for LS like leave form - LSL Provision Savings

Condition 11 of Banking Exemption No. 1 of 2021
Churches of Christ in Queensland, Churches of Christ Foundation (the Fund) is not prudentially supervised by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority. Therefore, an investor in the Fund will not receive the benefit of the financial claims scheme or the depositor protection provisions in the Banking Act 1959. Investments in the Fund are intended to be a means for investors to support the charitable purposes of the Fund.
Read the Banking Exemption No.1 of 2021