We're here to help
We work alongside our residents to build a strong sense of community where you live, and ensure you’re supported to maintain your tenancy. In addition to your Housing Officer, we have Community Engagement and Chaplaincy teams who can help you combat social isolation, care for your wellbeing and support your community to thrive.

Resident Engagement Meetings
We hold regular dialogues with residents about things that affect you and where you live. We focus on community development initiatives, social connections and consult with you about how our service is delivered.
Resident Engagement Meetings are run at least twice a year per region, and any resident is welcome to attend. Contact your Housing Officer if you'd like to attend the next REM.
Pastoral Care
You can engage with one of our Community Chaplains if you’d like support adapting to changing circumstances or the other challenges life may bring. The Chaplaincy team can suggest strategies to support your wellbeing, or simply be someone for you to talk with.
Talk to your Housing Officer if you’d like to be referred to a Community Chaplain, or say hi them when they’re on-site.