Oriel's Journey
This was the case for Oriel, a lovely resident who spent a short time with us at Moonah Park Residential Aged Care.
Oriel arrived at Moonah Park accompanied by her granddaughters, and a very challenging health situation. Her function had been declining with her complex medical history, and she was relying heavily on medication, and high levels of assistance for moving around.
Initially, Oriel was anxious, and experiencing intense pain in her limbs, meaning she really needed that extra support for day to day life. We have an amazing team at Moonah Park Residential Aged Care who developed a plan for Oriel, whose goal was to achieve a higher level of independent mobility.
Therapy included regular check ins and reviews with the GP, physiotherapy and involvement in social activities. Over the following weeks Oriel was determined to progress and showed initiative to push herself just that little bit further with every physio session.
Eventually, Oriel increased in her ability to move around improved, and she relied less on staff to assist her. She enjoyed social activities and getting to know other residents and was so eager and determined to reach her goals.
So, with her general health and improved mobility, Oriel and her family decided she would move on from Moonah Park, and move in with them. Now she has the support she needs from family and is spending her days with her loved ones.
If you or someone you know needs a higher level of care, get in touch with our Aged Care team at 1800 900 001.