Local partnerships making a difference

The team coordinate the Child, Youth and Family Local Level Alliance, Fraser Coast which includes a range of representatives from government and non-government agencies. Alliances are across Queensland and are an important part of finding solutions that work for families who have unique needs.
Children, Youth and Families Acting General Manager Helen Warneke said it was proving to be a successful element of the work the team is doing on the Fraser Coast.
“Our goal is to help ensure families receive the support they need before entering a crisis situation, the Local Level Alliance is an important part of helping us achieve that.
“It’s an important part of our Family and Child Connect service which is offered to parents, young people and families who need help managing issues such as children’s behaviour, building better relationships, preventing violence in the home or supporting people with alcohol and drug problems.”
“By partnering in collaboration with other care providers and agency representatives it means families receive the care and support from those services and agencies who exist to provide the support and expertise they need.
“By combining our efforts we remove the barriers that agencies can face when dealing with struggling families and young people who may feel overwhelmed, unsure even frightened about where to go or who to turn to for help,” Helen said.
The CYF team received a nomination for a 2019 Fraser Coast Regional Council Australia Day Award for Community Group of the Year because of their co-ordination of the Local Level Alliance in their community.
If you would like more information about how the Family and Child Connect Service can help you or someone you know, call us on 13 32 64.