Youth CONNECT process evaluation report
13 Jun 2022

Youth CONNECT process evaluation report

Youth support
Do you work in transitional services with vulnerable youth experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness?

Our Youth CONNECT program is a Queensland Government initiative trialling impact investment in Queensland. In partnership with the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) this process evaluation report was completed in collaboration with our Youth CONNECT team; reporting on activities up to 31 December 2020, of young people who were referred between inception of the program and 30 September 2020. The program runs till May 2024 with a total number of 300 young people referred in three large geographic areas centred on Logan, Ipswich and Townsville. This is the first of two reports to be conducted by the USC.

This process evaluation considered in detail the model of service delivery that Youth CONNECT uses to support highly vulnerable young people aged from 15 to 25 years. To be eligible a young person must have had at least one substantiated notification to Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs, with most having had extensive placements in out of home care, especially residential care, and/or Youth Justice, and are homeless or are at risk of homelessness.

The process evaluation includes analysis of feedback from over 80 stakeholders through interviews, focus groups and surveys, as well as analysis of administrative data. There is limited practice literature on transition programs for care-leavers, and the Social Benefit Bond context was unique, with Participatory Action Research and developmental evaluation embedded in the program design. 

If you work in the care sector within transitional services or utilise Participatory Action Research within your program design, this report will be an interesting read for you. 

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