Caring for a foster child

Life as a foster carer

Caring for a foster child is a rich and rewarding experience. Our foster carers tell us it's a practical way they can help create a better future for a child in their community. Foster parents tell us life can follow a similar pattern when a foster child arrives in their home:

Getting to know each other

You’ll begin to understand a child’s personality, soon learn their likes, dislikes and talents, and you’ll start identifying their emotional cues. For toddlers and older children, you'll ask questions, have discussions and start to understand their worries and needs.

Getting the right supplies

You might need age-appropriate toys and books, which our Foster Care team may be able to source and provide, guided by your foster child's interests. For clothes, food and other supplies, you'll source these yourself and can apply for a carer allowance and other reimbursements to help with costs.

Responding to chellenges

Some foster children might come into your care as sad, angry or worried. They might find it hard to sleep, concentrate, trust others and make friends. You'll begin to understand these challenges, and look for ways to help them.

Reaching out for support

We have a 24/7 on-call Foster Care team ready to help you any time, particularly with any challenges that arise. We also arrange catch-ups between foster carers in local areas, helping build your support network, and have a range of online carer resources.

Creating a routine

Stability helps children develop and thrive. Now that you know each other, you can develop a routine that works for you both. For young babies, this will centre around food and sleep, and for older children this will also involve childcare or school, hobbies, playdates and activities.

Keeping children connected

It's vital for a foster child's development that they maintain connection to their family and culture - wherever possible. As a foster carer, it's important that you encourage a child's contact with their family and help them grow their sense of identity. We'll help you arrange contact visits.

Staying in touch

If your foster child is able to reunite with their family, or is old enough to move out on thier own, they will often want to stay in touch. You'll be guided by their communication with you and share in their joy as they grow.

Helping manage costs

All foster carers are eligible for a tax-free government allowance - with a base fortnightly allowance starting around $525.  

Apply now to become a foster carer

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