Home care packages

Our home care packages

Home Care Packages (HCP) provide government-funded support for older Australians to receive regular assistance to stay living independently and safely at home. Our HCP carers and registered nurses come to your Queensland home to help you with a range of tasks, including health care, personal care, housework and transport. Home Care Packages are for those who need more frequent support than what's available through the Commonwealth Home Support Program.

Around your home

  • Meal preparation and cooking 
  • Cleaning, including laundry, ironing, vacuuming, dusting, making beds 
  • Light gardening, including weeding, lawn mowing, clearing debris
  • Minor home modifications, including installing easy access taps and grab rails
  • Pet care, including taking your pet for walks.

Health & clinical care

  • Personal care, including bathing, showering, toileting, dressing, grooming, doing hair 
  • Assistance getting in and out of bed 
  • Assist clients to access allied health services
  • Clinical care from a registered nurse, including wound care, continence advice and medication management.
  • Install mechanical devices for lifting you in and out of bed
  • Source and supply bed aids, including rails, slide sheets, tri-pillows, and pressure-relieving mattresses. Also walking aids, including crutches and walkers 

Social support

  • Arranging visitors for you
  • Taking you to appointments, social events, to the local shops and out in the community
  • Inviting you to our group social activities.

Respite care

  • Care for you at your home while your carer is away
  • Temporary care in an aged care home.

Are you eligible?

The Australian Government decides who's eligible for a Home Care Package, and you'll need to apply through My Aged Care. You may be eligible if you've been diagnosed with a medical condition, had a serious fall or hospital admission, noticed a change in memory or are experiencing reduced mobility.

Go to My Aged Care

How often can we help?

How much support we can provide depends on the Home Care Package level you've been approved for. Here's a guide to the government's package levels (March 2024):

Package level

Type of care

Amount per year


Basic care needs



Low care needs



Intermediate care needs



High care needs


Once you know your package level, and we get to know your care needs, we work with you to create a support plan that's designed to help you stay living independently in the comfort of your home and community.

Learn more: My Aged Care


While the Australian Government pays for most of your Home Care Package costs, you'll also need to contribute. 

The government pays your package level funding directly to us, however there are a few additional fees you'll need to pay.

Basic daily fee

There's a basic daily fee that's the same for everyone and is set by the government of up to 17.5% of the day rate of the single aged pension. This means you'll pay a basic daily fee of approx $11.43 - $12.75 per day (March 2024).

Income-tested care fee

There's a separate income-tested care fee for those who can afford it. You'll do an income and assets assessment through Services Australia to find out if you need to pay this. The amount you pay depends on your assessment, but is capped by government. Daily rates for the income-tested care fee vary, but you could pay from around $18.30 – $36.60 per day - on top of the basic daily fee (March 2024).  

Find out more: My Aged Care

Additional fees

These are things you agree to pay for that aren't covered by your Home Care Package budget. Contact us on 1800 772 011 for more information about pricing. 

See our Home Care Package price list.

Waiting times

There's a national Home Care Package waiting list that's managed by the government. Once you've been assessed for a Home Care Package and found eligible, you'll be placed on the list. People with higher or more urgent care needs are prioritised.

Expected wait times

As at March 2024, the expected waiting times are:

Package level

Estimated wait time


Less than 1 month


3 - 6 months


9 - 12 months


9 - 12 months

Need some help while you wait?

For immediate support, you can access our home care services privately on a user-pays basis, without waiting.

6 steps to apply

1. Call us

Call our home care support team on 1800 772 001 to get started. We’ll help guide you through the government's My Aged Care application process.

2. Register with My Aged Care

My Aged Care will register you and you'll start your application. You can do this over the phone by calling 1800 772 011 or online.

3. Book assessment

My Aged Care will arrange a home care assessment. Their Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) assessor will arrange a time that suits to come and visit you at home.

4. Assessment 

The ACAT Assessor comes to your home. Set aside at least an hour, and you can have a family member or carer with you. The assessor will ask you questions about what you can and can't do, and things you think will help you stay healthy, socially connected and living at home. Learn more about the ACAT Assessment.

5. Receive ACAT eligibility

A few weeks after the ACAT Assessment, you'll receive a letter from My Aged Care letting you know if you're eligible for a Home Care Package, and the level you've been approved for. You'll then be placed on the government's national waiting list. When you reach the top of the waiting list, My Aged Care will send you a referral letter with your referral code.

6. Call us

You can call us on 1234 5678 with your referral. Once you receive your referral, the government gives you 56 days to select a provider of your choice. We'll speak with you about what services we have have available and any out-of-pocket costs. If you choose us as your provider, we can help you finalise the paperwork with My Aged Care.

Interested in learning more?

Just fill in the form and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. 

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