Southern Downs Home Care | Churches of Christ

Southern Downs
home care

Our services

Our Southern Downs Home and Community Care office provides a full range of services to the local community, covering areas from Warwick to Stanthorpe, Allora to Willowvale, and Ballandean to Rosehill.

If you, or a loved one requires assistance to stay at home longer, we can provide personal care and domestic support, nursing care, allied health support, home maintenance and modifications, social support and transport, after-hospital care   and respite care.

Our services can be tailored to your individual needs and preferences. To find out more about how we can help you get the flexible care and support options you need to live in your  own home longer, call us today on 07 4660 1154.

Call us today for more information 

(07) 4660 1150

Want to book a consultation?

Just fill in the form and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. 

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